Sunday 15 May 2011

Box Cars

I totally hate it when cars with a back like this:

Whether its a nissan or a myvi, drives on the right lane. They tend to clog the right lanes (who are suppose to be lanes for cars that can travel at a velocity of 150km/hr and above) to overtake cars like these:

They think they're travelling at the speed of 230km/hr when their real speed is 90km/hr. Not sure whether its a trend now, but every single box cars are doing it. Just because your car is freaking small and light that makes you feel like you're flying when you're driving it at the rate of 90km/hr doesn't mean that you can actually qualify to travel at the right lane. Face it, you're freaking SLOW so stop causing traffic jams and start to learn to use the middle lane!

Oh and one more thing, when every single car flashes their headlights at you, it means fuck off to the left lane, not asking you to try to drive a little faster, trying to match a Ferrari's speed. I officially hate box cars.