Saturday 23 April 2011

First Post :)

I hate blogs. I hate blogging, bragging about what happened when I'm still alive. I figured I could probably give it a try, which I know I will seldom update it. Oh well, we'll see.

I haven't been writing much lately, more like in a LONGGGGG time, feels like a virgin when I'm writing this post. So, my boyfriend is totally bailing out on me tonight. He'd rather fill his belly with food than have a conversation with me on Skype with connection so crappy that it felt like i'm using a cable. (=p)

This morning is crappy. I woke up twice just to check my email, to see whether if there's a chance that I get to be with Ry for at least a few months before I'm off to the US. Its a rejection mail. There goes the only chance that I'm giving Aussie. The first thing that came across my mind is, 'I gotta get my lazy ass off to work early on coming Monday morning.'

I somehow am thinking about giving working/holiday visa a chance, but nah, Aussie missed its chance. Yeah I screwed up during SPM time but I did not bad right now, earning much more than a freshie. I think I'm applying for Spring Admissions in the State. I bet I'll get ALOT of rejection letters tho.

Don't get me wrong. I love my job, but I wouldn't wanna miss out college and Uni for a job that I know the market would crash before 2015. Just another sixth sense. =)

Thats all I guess. Surian Condominium, here I come tomorrow! :D
